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No one can say: I didn’t know

(sorry, this text is only in Italian) Jean-Christophe Attias, francese di padre ebreo e madre cattolica, profondo studioso e docente universitario di cultura ebraica, sposato (e coautore di molti dei suoi numerosissimi libri in argomento) con Esther Benbassa, ebrea sefardita…

Photograph by Anthony Behar / Sipa USA / Reuters

Why are we laughing at a murder in cold blood?

(sorry, the text is only in Italian, the link is to an American magazine) La compagnia di assicurazioni americana UHC ha dovuto disattivare su Linkedin i commenti al suo post sull’uccisione a Manhattan del suo CEO da parte di un…

When will we wake up?

When will we wake up?

(sorry, this text is only in Italian) Elon Musk, “First Buddy” degli Stati Uniti (in quanto ufficialmente “best buddy”, cioè miglior amico del nuovo Presidente), l’uomo più ricco al mondo e praticamente oggi padrone dell’aerospazio, con centinaia di milioni di…

Wrestling with Zionism

Wrestling with Zionism

Conversation with Sarah Sills, a life-long “artist-activist” and member leader of Jewish Voice for Peace, NYC Hundreds of thousands of people in the American Jewish community have been mobilizing over the past year – and in recent months with more…

Scrittura come strumento di cambiamento

Writing as a tool for change

If what you read doesn’t wake you up like a punch on the head, what’s the use?, Kakfa wrote in one of his letters to his friend Oskar. I subscribe. In this video interview – which appeared today in digital…

It was a political gesture to come out

It was a political gesture to come out

Conversation with Antonello Dose, publicist, writer, television and radio author, host of the programme ‘Il Ruggito del Coniglio’ (The Rabbit Roar), in its thirtieth successful season on Rai Radio2. (sorry, this text is available only in Italian) Vai all’articolo

The distance between two people is no more than a story.

The distance between two people is no more than a story.

Conversation with Colum McCann, one of the greatest contemporary writers, but also a human rights activist and the inspiration behind Narrative 4, the organisation that activates mutual understanding between people through the telling of their stories. Narrative 4 is fundamentally…

No more clandestine

No more clandestine

Conversation with Gioele Lavalle, founder of the Roman association Gender X, which supports adolescents who do not recognise themselves in the gender assigned at birth. Can you be, and at what price, a ‘self-made person’? (sorry, this text is available…

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